Documentation of Bibles Stolen From Hotels

The earliest book was collected Mardi Gras 1991, when I was a senior in High school. There is one book which is not a full Bible, but is only the New Testament and Psalms; it is also the only book not from a hotel, but was collected at a hospital.

Being in this collection doesn’t imply that I stayed in the hotel room, just that I was in the room, which is why there are multiple Bibles with the same date.

This is not a thorough record of every hotel room I have been in; it is a record of the ones that had Bibles.

There is some wrong or missing information. For example there was only one trip which included the Badlands and Minneapolis. This trip yielded a significant portion of the collection and I believe took place at the end of July and early August 1999, but at least one book has the month listed as April and another has the year as 1997.

This collection is ongoing.

If you have questions about the collection please e-mail Philip von Zweck: pvonzweck [at] yahoo [dot] com